Gunmen attacked two cities and killed more than a dozen people in Dagestan region in Northern Caucasus of Russia.

Gunmen have attacked two Russian Orthodox churches, a synagogue and a police post in Makhachkala and Derbent cities killing at least 15 police and National Guard officers, several civilians and an Orthodox priest.

Over 12 people were reportedly injured in the attacks carried out on Sunday.

Until now, no one claims responsibility for the attack although the region’s governor Sergei Melikov said “We understand who is behind the organization of the terrorist attacks and what goal they pursued,” in a video message.

During the attack six of the gunmen were killed as the incidents unfolded while the region’s security forces hunting down the remaining members.

A three day mourning is declared in the region where flags lowered to half-mast and entertainment events will be canceled, according to TRT World.

Similar attacks carried out three months ago where over 133 people were killed by gunmen at a rock concert in the Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow.

In October last year, hundreds of people stormed the airport in Makhachkala, the region’s capital, over a flight from Israel landing there.